BDSM Beyond Binary – Skinship Naughty Queer Birthday Celebration

You’re Invited to Skinship’s Naughty Queer Birthday Celebration

Join us for a daring and delicious celebration of Skinship—a birthday unlike any other, filled with erotic exploration and juicy connections. Together, we’ll honor the wild, sex-positive spirit that has brought us here while setting the stage for deep intimacy, trust, and play.10 Skinship facilitators will join their creative forces to finely craft a 10-hour gourmet program for queer fun enthusiasts, with activities that blur the lines between celebration and transformation.

The whole day will be a Skinship-flavoured ritual weaving erotic arts and magic together with pleasure, creativity, courage and humor.

Through playful connection games and a gradual buildup of sensual energy, we’ll peel back the layers of inhibition and enter a shared world of surprising desires, slutty fantasies, tantalizing hugs, lustie eyes and moaning whispers.

As the day unfolds we unite in queer joy with plenty of enthusiastic YESes and friendship-gasms, together celebrating community and co-creating of a shared future.

Commit to the journey from beginning to end, and become part of a collective spell that fuels the dreams of tomorrow—a thriving community grounded in fierce care, fearless connection, mutual empowerment, and a brave shift from individual gain to collective vitality and well-being.

What to expect:

This event is for advanced players, meaning that you have previous experiences with sexpositive spaces and are skilled in communicating wishes, needs, desires and boundaries.

Whether it’s your first taste of Skinship or you’ve been part of the magic for years, you are invited to participate.

Skinship Facilitators

Meet your workshop facilitators:

SKINSHIP is a touch-based collective for queer, trans, non-binary, gender-fluid, agender, gender-expansive, and femme communities + friends. It focuses on restructuring and re-prioritizing the body as a vehicle for connection and safety, cultivating touch, pleasure, sexuality, playfulness, consent, boundaries, and friendship as forms of kinship activism.

pronouns: they/them, she/her, he/him, it/its

  • Covid: Test
  • Sprache: Englisch

Stündlicher Zeitplan


12:00 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:00
Kickoff Circle
introduction and overview
13:00 - 16:00
engaging in embodied connection games
16:00 - 18:00
Food break in the sun
Food is not included in the ticket. Please bring food for a shared picnic outside.
18:00 - 21:00
dreaming and envisioning a queer shared future
followed by ritualistic erotic play and orgasmic prayers
21:00 - 22:00

Veranstaltung buchen

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Community Price
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Verfügbare Tickets: 15

For those struggling to survive

Das "Community Price"-Ticket ist ausverkauft. Sie können ein anderes Ticket oder ein anderes Datum versuchen.
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Regular Price
€ 130.-
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Verfügbare Tickets: 15

covers cost of workshop

Das "Regular Price"-Ticket ist ausverkauft. Sie können ein anderes Ticket oder ein anderes Datum versuchen.
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Supporter Price
€ 170.-
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Verfügbare Tickets: 15

Part of payment goes towards community price

Das "Supporter Price"-Ticket ist ausverkauft. Sie können ein anderes Ticket oder ein anderes Datum versuchen.


07 Juni 2025


12:00 - 22:00







SKINSHIP is a touch-based collective for queer, trans, non-binary, gender-fluid, agender, gender-expansive, and femme communities + friends. It focuses on restructuring and re-prioritizing the body as a vehicle for connection and safety, cultivating touch, pleasure, sexuality, playfulness, consent, boundaries, and friendship as forms of kinship activism.

Weitere Veranstalter

  • Covid: Test
  • Sprache: Englisch