Creative BDSM : Home Edition

BDSM can surely be an expensive hobby. The toys, the outfits, the furniture, purchasing all of it adds up to a very substantial sum of money. You can endlessly invest into expanding your BDSM toy and gear collection, but you can do so even if you’re on a budget or don’t want to spend too much on novelty gear. Also, what happens if you don’t have your expensive collection at hand? Or you are at a party and don’t have all your toys with you but still want to indulge in BDSM?

Selina and Ron will prove to you that BDSM can be spontaneous, creative, and cost-effective and still give you a full experience with typical household items and ordinary stuff that you carry with you or wear daily. 

  • —You’re struggling to decide what to buy first and don’t know where to start? You don’t have to, this workshop will help you to reimagine common household objects into BDSM toys and equipment and demonstrate how to safely play at home.
  • —You don’t want people going through your fetish collection? You are going on vacation or visiting family, but want to remain incognito and keep all your kinky secrets to yourself? This workshop will show you how to use whatever you have at hand for bondage, sex, and play whether you’re in a hotel room, your old childhood bedroom, or in the comfort of your own home. 
  • —You don’t like the standard gear everybody has and want to add a splash of creativity to your play? In this workshop you can truly unleash your creative energy and learn how to do so in a safe, sane, and consensual way. 
  • —You don’t want to spend too much money on renting out expensive dungeons and rush to finish up your play because of hourly payment? Learn how to transform your home into a BDSM playground and most importantly how not to leave a mess and efficiently clean up afterwards. 

This workshop will teach you how to be creative, spontaneous, and efficient with whatever you have at hand. 


  • —Introduction, consent talk, negotiation. Desires and needs of the participants. 
  • —Do’s and don’t’s
  • —How to use home furniture for play
  • —Making simple toys
  • —How to set up a play space
  • —How to clean
  • —Aftercare / troubleshooting
  • Covid: 3G+
  • Sprache: Englisch


04 Nov. 2023


11:00 - 18:30






Selina Morgan
Selina Morgan
+49 157 316 888 99

Weitere Veranstalter

Ron Hades
Ron Hades
0163 806 19 24
  • Covid: 3G+
  • Sprache: Englisch